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Tin tức

Bên cạnh các chương trình khuyến mãi - hỗ trợ người tiêu dùng, PINACO thường xuyên tổ chức các hoạt động vì sự phát triển của xã hội và cộng đồng. Thêm vào đó, PINACO luôn xem bảo vệ môi trường vừa là nhiệm vụ vừa là trách nhiệm. Tất cả các hoạt động này đã tạo nên một PINACO vững mạnh ngày hôm nay, xứng đáng với danh hiệu “Thương Hiệu Quốc Gia” duy nhất trong lĩnh vực sản xuất và kinh doanh sản phẩm Pin - Ắc quy của Việt Nam.

Tin thị trường và ngành

PINACO 2020 Customer Conference: Rebstart the Inspire - Persist the success

Recently, from 3 to 7 June 2020, in beautiful Da Lat City, PINACO successfully organize the annual 2020 Customer Conference.

This year's customer conference is a memorable milestone, opening a new decade, a new journey, and Covid-19 making this beginning even more special; challenging but also full of opportunities. Both PINACO and Distributors and Agents have the opportunity to look back on the journey of a year of "double success": firmly in the leading position in dry cell and battery storage manufacturing and trading; enduring the spirit of Vietnamese sports at the biggest sporting event in Southeast Asia - Sea Games 30. Above all, the conference is an opportunity to honor the distributors with outstanding achievements in 2019; listen to the strategic directions from PINACO's leadership for business activities in the coming time; meet and talk together comfortably and sincerely for an upcoming inspiring journey of 2020. On this occasion, the company also wishes to send the message "Restart", right now when Covid-19 was temporarily stability is the moment of "Rebstart the Inspire - Persist the success".

The conference had the presence of PINACO's leadership and especially more than 100 representatives of distributors and agents from all provinces and cities across Vietnam who have accompanied PINACO in the sustainable journey for over 40 years. This year, to ensure the health of delegates and guests before the complicated of Covid-19 in the world, the conference was organized without the presence of foreign customer partners. Instead, PINACO has sent these customers the certificates and presents for hornor the cooperation.

During 5 days, through the exciting, enthusiasm, mutual understanding cooperation at the conference allowed all the right to set expectations for a new successful decade upcoming. And as Mr. Le Van Nam - General Director of PINACO shared: “Forty years is a long journey, and PINACO firmly believes if all of us inheriting and promoting the quintessence of the previous generations the right way. Definitely achieve the expected results. ”

Photos taken at the conference:


PINACO 2020 Customer Conference.

Mr. Le Van Nam - General Director delivered the opening speech.

Distributors and agents received the certificate of merit at the conference.

Representatives of distributors share and exchange information at the Conference .

Visiting famous tourist destinations in Da Lat.

Clients take photos at the conference.

Organizing Committee of PINACO 2020 Customer Conference.